Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Target: Toy Clearance Sale- Tomorrow- Thursday, July 28th!

Hi all of you wonderful followers!  I just wanted to give you a heads up that Target should have all their selected toys to 75% off clearance tomorrow.  If you want the best selection go early.  I will be one of the crazies waiting for the doors to open!!


  1. I was 5 minutes too late at my Target this morning. I got to the toy section and a little elderly couple were each pushing a cart filled with the best finds (for their grandchildren, I hope). I walked passed them envying almost every item they had in their cart.

    The only thing that made me feel better was that my kids don't need any of those toys anyway.

  2. oh man! Yeah I felt the same way. There were people with 4 carts FULL!! I ended up with 4 items. Oh well...hopefully next time!
