Wednesday, March 23, 2011

FREE Neti Pot- Facebook Offer!!

 Wow, you can score a FREE Neti Pot!  What you need to do is head over to their Facebook page, "like", them and then click on the link where it says "Get FREE Neti Pot", fill in your information and you get a FREE one! 

I didn't realize how good Neti Pots are.  When I went to the doctor with a seriously bad cold, he said to try out a Neti Pot.  He swears by them.  I always stayed away from these....I mean seriously, pouring water down a nostril and having it come out the other nostril...yuck!!!  But, he said this is one really good solution to prevent sinus infections.  I think I'll try it, if I can do it without laughing (right Erin??).

Thanks Hip2Save!


  1. Ha lisa- Eric is the one who uses it most now!

  2. I like to call it a snotty potty! I just used mine earlier this week. I love it.
