Monday, February 7, 2011

Money Saving Monday: Make a List!

You've probably heard it before, but it's true!  When you go shopping, make a list.  I have found over the years, that if I have a list in hand I am more likely to stick to only those items when I reach the checkout stand.

However, when I don't have a list, I somehow find myself by the donuts, staring at them like a lost puppy.  When I reach the checkout stand I have chips, crackers, random items that had the bright orange sticker on it (it must be a good deal right?), oh and my donuts.  I probably spend 3X as much as I would have had I brought a shopping list.

So, here's the challenge, for your next grocery outing, write yourself a list and stick to it!  If you do this every time, you will no doubt save money.

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