Monday, January 31, 2011

Money Saving Monday

Money Saving Monday Tip

Spend your money wisely

Let me preface this by saying, I am not a genius at saving money, yet I try.   I married a man who is very cheap...I mean frugal.  He loves it when we save money, in any scenario.  He is a finance guy by occupation, so it seems to permeate about him.  

One way that we save money is by spending our money wisely.  We work hard for our money, so I like to see it actually used for something instead of wasted at the local Quick Mart on a bag of mini pretzels for $4 and a drink for $2.  

Just recently I listened to a lady recount an experience she had with this.  She told of her addiction to Diet Coke.  She had to get her drink every morning at the local gas station.  As the years went on she always wondered, as we all do, where is all our money going???  She noticed pretty quickly that the gas station was getting a lot of her money.  A little bit adds up!  

She made a goal of not stopping by the gas station and putting that money into a savings.  She was able to use that money on clothes or other items she needed.  Her husband was amazed how giving up one tiny habit can bring in a lot of savings.

Now, I'm not saying give up your Diet Coke.  But take a good look at where your money is going.  Are there any tiny habits taking away your money??

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